Do the holidays stress out your pet? 🙀

With the holiday season around the corner, many of us are preparing to host family gatherings, parties, and other festive events.

For many, though, these holiday get-togethers can be stressful, not just for us humans but for our pets, too. It’s not uncommon for pets to feel uncomfortable around strangers or fearful of fireworks and loud music. 

“Any change in the home or daily routine can be a stresser for pets,” says Dr. Genna Mize, a Medical Consulting Veterinarian at Virbac. “So you can only imagine what sort of dissonance the holidays can introduce into their lives.” 

Here at Virbac, we offer a portfolio of products that may support your stressed pet during the holiday season. 

Stress-related behaviors in your pets may include: 


Excessive licking
Inappropriate elimination


Running away or hiding
Lying motionless
Inappropriate elimination


Talk to your veterinarian if your pet is exhibiting signs of stress and how our products may help. 

ZENIDOG® Pheromone Products
Available as both a Gel Diffuser and Long-Acting Collar, our ZENIDOG® Pheromone Products contain an analogue of a dog-appeasing pheromone emitted by nursing dogs. This pheromone produces a calming effect that helps dogs of all ages feel comfortable and secure in stressful situations such as loud noises, crowds, and unfamiliar places. For more information, click here

ANXITANE® (L-Theanine) Chewable Tablets
These chewable tablets help pets keep calm and relaxed. They contain L-Theanine, an amino acid naturally found in green tea that promotes relaxation without drowsiness, and are designed to go down easy, thanks to a palatable flavor that both dogs and cats will enjoy. For more information, click here

C.E.T.® VEGGIEDENT® Zen Tartar Control Chews for Dogs
Part of our award-winning C.E.T.® Home Dental Care line of products, these chews are designed to tame your dog’s bad breath and also support their mental well-being. Formulated with L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, they can help keep your dog calm in stressful situations and their breath fresh - and that’s something to smile about. For more information, click here.

