Jessica Rosik

As a Quality Assurance Engineer, Jessica Rosik plays a behind-the-scenes role here at Virbac, but her position is also one of the company’s most important.

In her current role, Jessica works directly with contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) that make products for Virbac. “I review batch records for the products and perform general compliance work, such as approving the changes that CMOs would like to make or the deviations they write when things don’t go quite as planned,” she says.  

Right now, Jessica is working on the validation and launch of a new product. That involves working closely with that CMO to ensure it is performing product validation in a manner that’s compliant with U.S. FDA regulations. 

Jessica also works with Virbac’s Elemental Impurities program to make sure our products do not contain dangerous levels of heavy metal. 

To say her position is vital to the company is an understatement; it requires pinpoint accuracy of the smallest of details.

As demanding as it is, the position has also given Jessica the opportunity to travel and to work with Virbac team members around the world. 

“I love that there are continuous opportunities to learn and grow in my position,” she says. “I get to travel to audit different CMOs, and this year I was able to travel to France to audit two of our CMOs with some colleagues from Carros, and I really enjoyed working with them and learning from them. I really like that I work with so many different people from different Virbac departments and locations.”

Jessica is a lifelong Missourian who graduated from Valparaiso University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology. But her education didn’t stop there. She’s currently enrolled in Temple University’s Master of Science Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance program. Her husband is a retired chemist; the two share their home with a cat named Goldie. 

In a way, Jessica has been training for this position for most of her career. She began her journey in the field of QA in the late 90s, when she was a Human Genetics Research intern at the Washington University School of Medicine. Her deep dive into the QA world came in 2005, when she became a laboratory technician for Teklab, Inc. That role prepared her for a nearly three-year stint at Covidien, where she performed pharmaceutical API production, among other duties.

Following additional roles at ABC Laboratories (now Eurofins) in the QA realm, she accepted a position at Virbac, marking a change in her career from human to animal health. 

“I worked at Eurofins as a GMP/GLP QA Auditor,” she says. “Working at Virbac was a chance to move back to GMP full time. I'm so glad that I did, because it's great to see that at Virbac, just as much care for animal health goes into our products as what went into human healthcare at my previous jobs.”

Jessica recently celebrated her eighth anniversary with our company. 

“I started out in Quality Assurance as an Auditor for the Liquids and Pastes Value Stream,” she says. “After a few years, I moved to writing Annual Product Reviews and assisting the QA External group. Two years ago I was fortunate to be able to move to the QA-External group full time. I've really liked every job, but my current position is incredibly challenging and equally rewarding, so I’m glad to be here.”
