The Buzz And Bark From Virbac

Room with a Mew


In celebration of National Cat Day, Virbac’s new copywriter, Malcolm Mayhew, writes about a unique cat hotel he and his family opened in their very own backyard. 

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Happy National Veterinary Technician Week 2021!


Here at Virbac, we are delighted to celebrate the immense contributions of veterinary technicians who better the lives of both animals and humans.  We recognize the profound impact these individuals have on the veterinary industry, every single day, and applaud their dedication to the health and well-being of all creatures in their care.

It is a well known fact among those in the veterinary profession that the work of a veterinary technician can be challenging - mentally, emotionally and physically.  The sacrifices and contributions of these team members allow veterinarians to practice their best medicine.  In fact, technicians are so critical to veterinary medicine that we might call them the backbone of the profession!

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Top Dog & Cat Names of 2021


Top Dog & Cat Names of 2021

By Malcolm Mayhew

Remember the days when you called your dog “Spot” and your cat, well, “Kitty”? 

Those days are long gone. Nowadays, pet names resemble human names so much, there’s virtually zero way to tell if you’re yelling for your husband or your cocker spaniel!

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