The Buzz And Bark From Virbac
Jack russell terrier dog in swimming pool.

Keeping your pets safe during the sizzling summer heat


No matter what part of the country you live in, summers in the U.S. can get pretty hot. When the temperatures soar, humans know when it’s time to call it a day and head inside for a cool-down.

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Pet Adoption: It’s No Barking Matter


Pet adoption is always an exciting time. There’s the butterflies soon-to-be owners get when going to pick up the new pet; there’s picking out a bed, blanket, food and water bowls, treats and toys; and then there’s the meeting and reaping the benefits of a family pet.

Before making the decision to adopt, it’s crucial for prospective pet owners to engage in research and careful planning. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) recommends pet owners asking themselves whether they are ready to adopt or not.

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How to Choose the Right Veterinarian


So you’ve got your new pet – but now you need to find the right veterinarian. The search for a veterinarian can pose a difficult decision for first-time pet owners.

Don’t let this task frighten you, though; veterinarians and their teams want to answer your questions and, ultimately, get and maintain your business. In order to ferret out the best veterinarian for your new pet, make sure you ask the right questions and consider all the possibilities.

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Coping with the loss of a pet


There comes a time when we all must cope with death. It’s natural to feel the sting of pain when someone you love is suddenly gone. However, it is sometimes common to be met with lack of understanding when a pet dies.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) first recommends to acknowledge the reality of the death. When a beloved animal dies, the steps for coping are ongoing.

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Traveling with your pet

The holidays often spell travel time for many people in the United States. Why should Fido and Fluffy get left out? Because of modern conveniences, it is now easier than ever to travel short or long distances with your pet. Whether it’s by plane or car, your pet can be along for the ride and the fun if some sim­ple precautions are taken and preparations are made.

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Potty Training 101: Quick Tips


So you’ve adopted a new pet. But now that new furry ball of energy won’t stop going to the bathroom all over your living room carpet. Potty training is one of the most important, and first, lessons your new pup will learn in its life, so it’s up to you to teach him correctly and quickly.

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Pet Holiday Safety


The holidays should always be a joyous occasion. Families gather to eat, drink and be merry. Unfortunately, during this time it’s all too easy to let your pets’ routines fall by the wayside, not to mention all the toxic treats that are sure to be in abundance this time of year.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) provides a list of holiday dangers and toxins to make sure your pets avoid for a happy, healthy holiday.

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Seasonal Cabin Fever


When it’s cold, snowing or raining outside, who wants to leave the comfort of the couch and cozy warmth of your favorite blanket? While it’s easy for humans to leave the outdoors, well, outdoors, our pets are undoubtedly chomping at the bit to burn off some energy built up from weather-related cabin fever.

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New Year’s Resolutions


Some estimate that between 40 and 50 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and a mere 46 percent of “resolution-ers” succeed. Did you make a resolution this year? Now that we’re seven weeks in, how’s it going?

What about our pets? Goals for animals are just as attainable as human goals, and you get to work together with your pet! PetMD gives us some New Year’s resolutions for your pet this year (and for you)!

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