The Buzz And Bark From Virbac

Rarest Canines


What do the Bergamasco Sheepdog, Catalburun and Xoloitzcuintli all have in common?  They are three of the rarest canines in the world.

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The Great Sleuth


Sherlock Holmes, revered as the greatest storybook sleuth of all time, has a bit of competition from a canine.

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The Long Road Home


“I’ve been to Norway,” read Leo’s collar.  Norway? 


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Are animals the greatest weather predictors?

“Batten down the hatches, there is a storm rolling in,” signals the cow lying in the pasture or the bird flying low.  An old wives’ tale perhaps, or can animals truly sense an impending storm? 

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There's a whole lotta talking going on!

Dogs and cats both have a unique way to communicate to each other or so we think. A bark and meow are a way for pets to talk to one another. Maybe. Or could it be a signal for something more telling? 

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Top Random Pet Facts


Did you know that cats have more than 100 vocal sounds, or that each dog’s nose print is unique? 

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english bulldog and white kitten

Do Cats Hear Better Than Dogs?


Dogs versus cats: it’s the age-old quandary. While neither species of animal is better than the other – contrary to what many would debate – they each hold unique qualities that set them apart. Dogs retain a superior sense of smell; cats can fall from great heights and walk away unscathed.

But which animal has the better auditory system? The answer may surprise you.

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Choosing The Right Collar and Leash For Your Dog


So you’ve adopted a new family dog – whether he’s fuzzy, playful and energetic, or sleeker, refined and relaxed, you’ll need a good collar and a reliable leash to aid you in walking him and taking him out in public.

But what kind should you choose? Does the material of the collar matter? How long should the leash be?

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